Accredited Bookstores

Primary and Secondary. Any book purchases made by schools within the Province of Quebec must be made at accredited bookstores. Ministère de la Culture et des Communications (MCC) oversees this law. Under LOI SUR LE DÉVELOPPEMENT DES ENTREPRISES QUÉBÉCOISES DANS LE DOMAINE DU LIVRE, more commonly known as Bill 51, all public institutions (including schools, municipalities, CEGEPs, etc.) can only purchase books from accredited bookstores within their administrative region. The EMSB is within region 6.
What is an accredited bookstore? Generally speaking, they are Quebec-based businesses that have been approved by the MCC. As a result, most of the large bookstore chains within Quebec (like Amazon, Chapters, etc.) are NOT accredited.
To find an interactive list of accredited bookstores for region 6, click on the green button below. Please note that the list is presented in French only.